Prosecutors say man had knives, bat, gun, sword
The Jefferson County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will conduct its annual parks tour at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The special meeting will continue until 3… Continue reading
No longer the same man, he tells judge
jefferson county
Deliberations in case of late Port Townsend musician Jarrod Bramson
Friends of Swansonville, a nonprofit community group in Port Ludlow, can now write grants and accept tax-deductible donations. The group has entered… Continue reading
Jefferson Transit will replace four aging buses in the coming months. The Transit authority board authorized the purchase of vehicles Tuesday in… Continue reading
Joe Sastic, a mechanic for The ReCyclery, watches the chain mechanism on a bicycle Wednesday afternoon at the nonprofit shop at 1925… Continue reading
port townsend
PTeRider shutting down after four years
Draft proposal to be discussed Nov. 4
jefferson county
Statewide ridership numbers on slight downward trend
Arbor Day celebration brings paper birch plantings
Forum focuses on affordable housing, budget
Yates, Huntingford impactful volunteers
PUD to hear resolution on 2020 budget
Defense witnesses point to plant toxins, parasites
The city of Port Townsend will plant three paper birch shade trees at 9 a.m. today to celebrate Arbor Day. The ceremony… Continue reading
Participants disagree on how funds should be spent
Bones protruded from skin, witnesses said
Man has traumatic brain injury, fiancee says
Council also approves early relocation funds for manager