THIS WEEK, WE’RE starting out on a serious note. The Oso landslide has dominated the news, and this Saturday, a firsthand account of the disaster… Continue reading
JUST BECAUSE SPRING has sprung doesn’t mean you’re going to spend all your time outside because — remember now — April showers bring May flowers.… Continue reading
OMG! SPRING HAS finally sprung. I hope you can feel it, but I don’t think that spring feeling is going to happen overnight. So in… Continue reading
NOW THAT IT’S warmed up and you’ve been working in the yard or garden, mowing and weeding and rototilling, it’s time to take a break… Continue reading
GRAY SKIES GOT you down? Got the rainy-day blahs? Does it seem like you have webbed feet? If it does, then stuff those webbed feet… Continue reading
THE SEAHAWKS WON the Super Bowl; the United States won gold, silver and bronze medals in the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia; and the baseball… Continue reading
THE WEATHER IS warming up, so now is the time to get out and work out those kinks by dancing to live music. Hey, you… Continue reading
THIS IS THE time of year when a young man turns to thoughts of . . . wait, baseball isn't for a few more weeks… Continue reading
EUPHORIA! THE 12TH Man fever broke last Sunday into a state of euphoria, resulting in dancing in the streets and all around the house. How… Continue reading
THIS WEEK, THE blue-and-Day-Glo-green fever will reach its peak. It is 12th Man fever, and it will peak Sunday. This fever brings on angst one… Continue reading
THE BLUE AND Day-Glo green fever mentioned in the most recent column still prevails this week, albeit a little more subdued. However, I have it… Continue reading
THERE'S A FEVER spreading across the state that is recognized by dark-blue coloring with splashes of day-glow green. This fever is not harmful but is… Continue reading
STILL KEEPING THOSE New Year's resolutions I suggested last week? Good. I knew you could. This week, I've got some more music and venues to… Continue reading
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Now that the holidays are behind us, it’s time to work on our New Year’s resolutions, and I’m here to help. â– … Continue reading
THE COUNTDOWN TO Christmas enters its final week with last-minute shopping, mailing, shipping, stressing. Stressing? No need to stress. Take time out to listen, or… Continue reading
NOW THAT IT’S warming up, there is no reason not to go out and enjoy live music. Many of the musicians/ groups are including tunes… Continue reading
THE TURKEY’S BEEN eaten, and the mashed potatoes, dressing and gravy have settled around my waist, along with the pumpkin pie. I can’t believe I… Continue reading
TODAY IS THANKSGIVING, a day on which we give thanks for all the blessings we receive throughout the year. Musically, we receive many blessings, as… Continue reading
TODAY IS THANKSGIVING, a day on which we give thanks for all the blessings we receive throughout the year. Musically, we receive many blessings, as… Continue reading
AS YOU READ this, I am winding up the birthday celebration in Illinois with my namesake uncle, and it was a great time. Other members… Continue reading