Karen Griffiths

Peninsula Home Fund helps woman, children keep their home; only one week left in 2011 campaign

EDITOR'S NOTE: For 22 years, Peninsula Daily News readers in Jefferson and Clallam counties have supported the “hand up, not a handout” Peninsula Home Fund.… Continue reading

Mom, 5 kids find haven of hope through Peninsula Home Fund [plus list of latest donors — thank you, one and all!]

EDITOR'S NOTE: For 22 years, Peninsula Daily News readers in Jefferson and Clallam counties have supported the “hand up, not a handout” Peninsula Home Fund.… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Equine center a boon for all youths

SHE'S A FRIEND in need who's spent countless hours helping community youths have a better life through the use of her ponies, and now she… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Patterned speed horse awards given

I'D LIKE TO give a shout-out to Waynora Martin, owner of Waynora's Hair Care in Carlsborg, for attaining the Patterned Speed Horse 7A award with… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: A lot done, but not enough riding

THE GOOD NEWS is I accomplished everything needed during our brief summer to prepare the family homestead for another wet winter. The bad news is… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Blankets, feed points of contention

WHILE I DON'T have a bog spavin horse, I do regret not being able to attend the Spooky Clinic thrown at Becky Siebel's Spirit Horse… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Farm Tour, equine nomad highlights

FREEDOM FARMS OWNER Mary Gallagher has always been generous in donating indoor arena use to the local Washington State High School Equestrian Teams. So when… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Local 4-H’ers to compete at state fair

NOTHING COULD BE finer than watching your children grow up to be responsible, caring people. In essence, the horse 4-H program is designed to help… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Fundraiser ride hosted by area chapter

WINNING, OR DOING well, is often a reflection of how much effort is put forth. Becky and Dave Seibel were holding an American Competitive Trail… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Peninsula Performance Horse Association does well at fair

WHILE WESTERN PERFORMANCE horse riders are more prevalent in our region, the Peninsula Performance Horse Association has a solid core of avid English riders, as… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: New leadership for 4-H; fair results

COUNTY FAIRS ARE such grand traditions: eating elephant ears and pulled pork sandwiches; viewing all the wonderful handmade quilts, toys, art and crafts; observing fine… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Wandering down memory lane

I'M FEELING A bit melancholy today as my mind wanders down memory lane. Longtime readers of Peninsula Horseplay may recall earlier stories of me helping… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Port Angeles stables open for schooling show

DON'TCHA HATE HOW it's been raining on our parade almost daily this summer? Bring us the sun! Although, as much as I enjoy really hot… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Cold doesn’t stop rider on long journey

ZORINA “Z” BARKER is my riding buddy. So I was bummed when I had to let her go solo for her 22-mile adventure Friday. She… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Agnew mother gets back in the saddle

WHAT'S A FORMER barrel racer to do after her kid goes off to college and she's left twiddling her thumbs? Well, if you're Pam Crosby,… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: How to avoid equine herpes virus

MUCH HAS TRANSPIRED in the horse world since my last column. As it went to print two weeks ago, my inbox became inundated with news… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Horse seminars set Saturday in Sequim

WHEN IT COMES to animal rescue, good intentions often are not enough. It requires knowledge of the animal's needs, an honest assessment of your own… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Sequim Equestrian Team makes history

PROUD, ENCOURAGING, SUPPORTIVE — these were the words entering my mind Sunday as I watched Sequim Equestrian Team coach Terri Winters take the team members… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: Peninsula volunteers’ work keeps trails usable

DO YOU GET it? Do you get our trails are a valuable commodity to our local economy? Do you understand without the help of local… Continue reading

KAREN GRIFFITHS’ HORSEPLAY COLUMN: 2011 seniors saluted at Washington State High School Equestrian Teams district meet

OUR LOCAL YOUTHS did fantastic at their third and final Washington State High School Equestrian Teams district meet. Traditionally, the final meet before May's state… Continue reading