Karen Griffiths

Take a message to Michael, or is it Mike? Confusion abounds over the mighty Quinns in small-town Port Angeles

Who is Michael Quinn -- city manager or Web guru? The answer is both. One, Mike Quinn, has been Port Angeles city manager since 1999.… Continue reading

‘Tis the season for outdoor wear, retailer Swain’s reports

What's getting the most shopper attention this holiday season? "Jackets, vests and work pants by Carhartt are probably our hottest-selling items this year," said Jack… Continue reading

Clallam: It’s harvest time again for “Mr. Blackberry”

It's a berry wonderful world at 80-year-old John A. Kochanek's home on Mount Angeles Road in Port Angeles. His 2½-acre farm teems with strawberries, raspberries… Continue reading