Leah Leach

Former Clallam Bay corrections officer dies from COVID-19 complications

A corrections officer who once worked at Clallam Bay Correctional Center has died of complications of COVID-19, the state Department of Corrections announced.… Continue reading

Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News
Santa portrayed by shelter coordinator Casey Sawyer for Serenity House of Clallam County, gives gift-giving directions to Serenity House client Roger Smith, right, as Viola Ware of the Rediscovery Program looks on during meal and gift distribution at Veterans Park on Christmas Day in Port Angeles.

Serenity House delivers Christmas to homeless

Salvation Army provides meal, gifts on Christmas Eve

Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News
Santa portrayed by shelter coordinator Casey Sawyer for Serenity House of Clallam County, gives gift-giving directions to Serenity House client Roger Smith, right, as Viola Ware of the Rediscovery Program looks on during meal and gift distribution at Veterans Park on Christmas Day in Port Angeles.
Sequim Mayor William Armacost takes a whipped cream pie in the face from Ben Clemens, 10, the son of Port Angeles Mayor Kate Dexter, at the Port Angeles Safeway store on Lincoln Street, the culmination of a challenge between Safeway stores in the two towns to see which could raise more donations for local food banks. (Dave Logan/For Peninsula Daily News)

Pie in the face caps weeklong competition

Food-bank clients real winners of Port Angeles, Sequim contest

Sequim Mayor William Armacost takes a whipped cream pie in the face from Ben Clemens, 10, the son of Port Angeles Mayor Kate Dexter, at the Port Angeles Safeway store on Lincoln Street, the culmination of a challenge between Safeway stores in the two towns to see which could raise more donations for local food banks. (Dave Logan/For Peninsula Daily News)
Jarrett and LeAnn Hansen took their daughter H.J., 2, out sliding just outside the fence of Elks Playfield on Pine Street on Monday during the first snow of the winter. (Dave Logan/For Peninsula Daily News)

Winter launches with snow on Olympic Peninsula

Standing water reported; sunny, cold forecast Tuesday

Jarrett and LeAnn Hansen took their daughter H.J., 2, out sliding just outside the fence of Elks Playfield on Pine Street on Monday during the first snow of the winter. (Dave Logan/For Peninsula Daily News)

EDITOR’S VIEW: Outrageous Facebook claims include attacks on vaccine

EVER PLAY THE game of Telephone? I did when I was younger. A group of people would sit side-by-side in a circle and one person… Continue reading

Jefferson County Commissioner Greg Brotherton views old growth Douglas fir on a field tour of rare forest proposed for protection as part of Dabob Bay Natural Area. (Northwest Watershed Institute)

Coalition aims to expand protected area

Rhody forest on Dabob Bay said to be largest in world

Jefferson County Commissioner Greg Brotherton views old growth Douglas fir on a field tour of rare forest proposed for protection as part of Dabob Bay Natural Area. (Northwest Watershed Institute)
Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News
Mike La Grange, manager of the Lincoln Street Safeway store in Port Angeles, left, and employee Sheryl Switer, who help organize the store's food drive, chat on Saturday next to a display of food bags for purchase to benefit the local food bank.

Friendly rivalry to raise money for food banks

A friendly competition beginning today between Port Angeles and Sequim Safeway stores will culminate with a pie in a face. Mayor William Armacost of Sequim… Continue reading

Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News
Mike La Grange, manager of the Lincoln Street Safeway store in Port Angeles, left, and employee Sheryl Switer, who help organize the store's food drive, chat on Saturday next to a display of food bags for purchase to benefit the local food bank.
Dave Logan/for Peninsula Daily News
The large madrona tree on Eighth Street near Cherry Street is coming down. The landmark tree has died and is considered unsafe, the property owners say.

Huge madrona coming down

Largest of its kind in state

Dave Logan/for Peninsula Daily News
The large madrona tree on Eighth Street near Cherry Street is coming down. The landmark tree has died and is considered unsafe, the property owners say.

Think safety when outdoors

Officials have issued guidelines for safely backpacking, snowshoeing, skiing or taking a day hike in Olympic National Park. Visitors are asked… Continue reading

Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News
A Christmas tree titled "Star Way to Living" stands on display at Edna's Place in Port Angeles on Saturday after fetching the top bid during Friday night's Festival of Trees gala and auction. The tree, sponsored by First Federal, includes a collection of premiums themed after the Captain Joseph House. The tree received a bid of $6,500 to benefit the Olympic Medical Center Foundation.

Festival of Trees gala breaks fundraising record

Online event to fund COVID-19 testing drew great participation

Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News
A Christmas tree titled "Star Way to Living" stands on display at Edna's Place in Port Angeles on Saturday after fetching the top bid during Friday night's Festival of Trees gala and auction. The tree, sponsored by First Federal, includes a collection of premiums themed after the Captain Joseph House. The tree received a bid of $6,500 to benefit the Olympic Medical Center Foundation.
Port Angeles Food Bank Executive Director Emily Dexter stands outside the food bank's new warehouse and distribution center at 632 N. Oakridge Drive near the Port Angeles Walmart. The covered canopy area will become the food bank's drive-thru distribution lane. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Port Angeles Food Bank moving to larger building

Site offers more refrigeration, covered distribution point

Port Angeles Food Bank Executive Director Emily Dexter stands outside the food bank's new warehouse and distribution center at 632 N. Oakridge Drive near the Port Angeles Walmart. The covered canopy area will become the food bank's drive-thru distribution lane. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Peninsula Home Fund campaign begins

Donations will go to local residents in need of ‘a hand up, not a handout’

Betsy Schultz, left, and Sue Chance work on their tree Saturday morning inside Edna’s Place. Their tree, based on the Captain Joseph House Foundation, is called “Starway to Living." Today is the last day for trees to be decorated. (Dave Logan/For Peninsula Daily News)

Festival of Trees offers virtual gala, Family Days

Funds raised will go toward COVID-19 rapid testing at OMC

Betsy Schultz, left, and Sue Chance work on their tree Saturday morning inside Edna’s Place. Their tree, based on the Captain Joseph House Foundation, is called “Starway to Living." Today is the last day for trees to be decorated. (Dave Logan/For Peninsula Daily News)
Vehicles make their away along a rock-strewn stretch of Ediz Hook Road in Port Angeles after high waves pushed debris across a parking area and a section of roadway. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

More than 20,000 lose power across Peninsula

Storm brings wind gusts, rain that knock down trees

Vehicles make their away along a rock-strewn stretch of Ediz Hook Road in Port Angeles after high waves pushed debris across a parking area and a section of roadway. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)

Jefferson County voter turnout highest in state

Clallam votes Democrat in presidential race but GOP in many others

Clallam County calls the race again

Voters choose winner for 10th straight year

Danny Romero, left, and Petal Ruch, both of Port Angeles, fill out ballots at portable polling stations at the Clallam County Courthouse in Port Angeles on Election Day. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Danny Romero, left, and Petal Ruch, both of Port Angeles, fill out ballots at portable polling stations at the Clallam County Courthouse in Port Angeles on Election Day. (Keith Thorpe/Peninsula Daily News)
Angi Klahn, left, Clallam County Auditor's Office accountant, helped process voter registration Friday for Seth Russell, formerly of Santa Cruz, Calif., who recently moved to Port Angeles with his partner and her brother. (Paul Gottlieb/Peninsula Daily News)

President, state offices on ballot with local races

Turnout exceeds 70 percent in Clallam, Jefferson counties

Angi Klahn, left, Clallam County Auditor's Office accountant, helped process voter registration Friday for Seth Russell, formerly of Santa Cruz, Calif., who recently moved to Port Angeles with his partner and her brother. (Paul Gottlieb/Peninsula Daily News)

Clallam voter turnout nears 60 percent; Jefferson tops 71 percent

Drop boxes at some sites are being emptied several times a day. The U.S. Postal Service brings more in daily. Ballots continued on Wednesday to… Continue reading