HERE’S HOW MUCH I like you: I’m going to summarize this entire column in one sentence, allowing you to briskly proceed to the next important… Continue reading
THOSE OF YOU who have been following my weekly meanderings for more years than you care to remember are well-aware of the fact that I… Continue reading
WE’RE ALMOST THERE. “There” being Thanksgiving, which always puts me in a bit of a … bind. See, everybody writes about Thanksgiving, and pretty much… Continue reading
LAST WEEK, I went on about loneliness. I talked about how lethal loneliness can be, and I wasn’t kidding. Then, I urged those of us… Continue reading
To defeat loniliness, do something, anything, that interacts with other people.
Con artists abound, trying to steal information or gain money. Be cautious.
Reader-submitted questions about health insurance, dementia and Adult Family Homes are answered
Tax-Aide volunteers must submit an applicaiton, study the material and attend two weekends of training.
Mark Harvey laments the changes that life brings.
The Baby Boomers could be part of the solution.
A government website helps people begin a retirement savings account and determine their contributions.
Hearing the story of a friend’s mother’s experiences in the nursing home inspired writer to make lists of her own.
A document that lists things such as food preferences would help your comfort level just in case you end up in the nursing home.
Workshops across the North Olympic Peninsula will provide information and answers to questions about Medicare.
It’s rarely meant to insult, but it does or can because it sends a message: “I don’t think you can keep up with me.”
Trust is a wonderful thing — but then verify.
“Why,” you reasonably ask, “would anybody not ‘get it together’ enough to have basic, estate planning documents in place?” Well, there can be, and usually are, several reasons: