PORT ANGELES -- Kaj Ahlburg, a retired New York City investment banker who lives in Port Angeles, is among those suing the federal government over… Continue reading
TACOMA -- Two Canadian men who tried bringing 578 pounds of marijuana ashore in Clallam County's West End will be sentenced in March for conspiracy… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Workers in two 16-foot motorboats began uncoupling a 10-acre flotilla of logs on Lake Mills on Friday and Saturday. For about four… Continue reading
SEQUIM -- Trish Schultz was 48 when she died Christmas Eve, her record stained by a drug conviction. On Thursday, barely three weeks later, the… Continue reading
PORT TOWNSEND -- A patent issued this week to Intellicheck Mobilisa Inc. could help the wireless security systems company win a multimillion-dollar federal contract. Company… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- Trucks laden with huge boulders soon will no longer be seen trundling through the city to the Lower Elwha Klallam reservation. That's… Continue reading
Former chiropractor Chris Price has purchased Linde Family Funeral Service, which has offices in Port Townsend, Sequim, Bremerton and Lakewood. The company will change its… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- After spending 14 years tucked away at Airport Industrial Park, a homegrown manufacturing company with a worldwide reach has planted its corporate… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- The Immigration and Customs Enforcement office that covers Clallam and Jefferson counties will move into a new home this fall, federal spokesman… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- The waiting continues for both Eagles Aerie 483 and for Border Patrol agents stuffed into cramped quarters at the Richard B. Anderson… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- An Olympia real estate company, operating under court order, recently took control of an office complex at 1601 E. Front St. that… Continue reading
A land conservation program Congress sweetened in December by marrying land conservation with federal income tax breaks has created a win-win result for North Olympic… Continue reading
SEQUIM -- Superior Court Judge Ken Williams earlier this month dismissed a felony assault case against businessman Jay Ketchum that involved a Clallam County sheriff's… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- The City Council affirmed Tuesday its Dec. 6 decision supporting a permit for a $71 million biomass cogeneration project by unanimously approving… Continue reading
BRINNON -- The federal government has denied an application from The Statesman Group that the developer says is vital to its plans for a $300… Continue reading
CHIMACUM -- Last July, after 37 years in law enforcement including the last 24 with the State Patrol, Sgt. Ken Przygocki was just seven months… Continue reading
FORKS -- The state Department of Licensing is staying put in the West End but will move from 41 Bogachiel Way, where a sewage leak… Continue reading
WURTLAND, Ky. -- Accused murderer Beryl W. Smith has pleaded not guilty to killing former Chimacum resident Chadd E. Miller in this Ohio River town… Continue reading
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of a two-part series on this week's 90th anniversary of the Port Angeles paper mill now owned by Nippon… Continue reading
PORT ANGELES -- If the main boiler is the heart of the Nippon Paper Industries USA paper mill, its paper machines are its soul. As… Continue reading