BUSINESS BRIEFS: Daily Grind raising tips for a cause; wine winners announced

The Daily Grind Espresso will host its eighth annual adopt-a-family this Sunday and Monday.

All tips raised those days by the baristas at both locations — 1919 E. First St. in Port Angeles (360-452-1744) and 615 E. Washington St. in Sequim (360-683-5141) — will be donated to needy families for food and presents.

For more information, contact owner Shae Bennett at 360-809-9562.

Wine winners

PORT ANGELES — The Jefferson Cup Invitational Wine Competition recently named two Camaraderie Cellars wines as double gold winners.

The winning wines were the 2014 Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon and the 2014 Tempranillo.

Also awarded silver medals were the 2013 Sangiovese and the 2014 Dolcetto.

Only 31 wines of a total 720 submitted were awarded double gold medals.

The winery is located at 334 Benson Road.

For more information, phone 360-417-3564 or visit

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