BUSINESS BRIEFS: Newcomers’ Club to host luncheon; Sequim city water reclamation facility receives award

Business news items for the North Olympic Peninsula.

PORT ANGELES — The Newcomers’ Club will have its monthly luncheon starting at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 4.

The program at Joshua’s Restaurant, 113 S. Del Guzzi Drive, will feature Nicole Harris, education and outreach specialist for NOAA’s Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary.

Her topic will be marine protected areas and the role these play in the changing ocean and climate.

The cost for the lunch and program is $20.

The program fee is $5 and includes only non-alcoholic beverages.

RSVP by noon Friday, Sept. 30.

For more information, phone 630-992-5613, email warren.newcomers or visit

Water award

SEQUIM — The city water reclamation facility has received a “Wastewater Treatment Plant Outstanding Performance” award for 2015 by the state Department of Ecology.

This is the fifth year in a row the facility has received the award for achieving full compliance with its national pollutant discharge elimination system permit.

Only 119 systems out of about 300 received the award.

“To earn this award year after year requires team effort between the water reclamation facility operators and the support of the City Council management and the public works staff,” said Sequim Utilities Manager Pete Tjemsland.

For questions, contact Public Works Director David Garlington at 360-681-3439 or

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