Toasting each other with Bedford’s Sodas are, from left, Ryan Gedlund of Swain’s General Store, Ed Bedford, creator of Bedford’s Sodas and Don Droz of Swain’s after Swain’s and Bedford were presented with the 2021 Legacy Awards. Not pictured is Tim Tucker, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce president, who presented the awards. The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Legacy Awards began in 2020 and are awarded to an organization and an individual who have built impressive and positive legacies for our community, said Marc Abshire, chamber executive director. Last year’s winners were Black Ball Ferry Line and, posthumously, Jim Moran.
Cheers to winners Toasting each other with Bedford’s Sodas are, from left, Ryan Gedlund of Swain’s General Store, Ed Bedford, creator of Bedford’s Sodas and Don Droz of Swain’s after Swain’s and Bedford were presented with the 2021 Legacy Awards. Not pictured is Tim Tucker, Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce president, who presented the awards. The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce Legacy Awards began in 2020 and are awarded to an organization and an individual who have built impressive and positive legacies for our community, said Marc Abshire, chamber executive director. Last year’s winners were Black Ball Ferry Line and, posthumously, Jim Moran. (photo by Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce)
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