EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

• Forks Chamber of Commerce — Luncheon meetings are Wednesdays at noon at Blakeslee’s Bar &Grill, 1222 S. Forks Ave.

This Wednesday’s gathering will be the group’s business meeting.

Lunch of $9.75 will include an entree and sides. The soup of the day will be clam chowder.

• Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce — Twice-monthly luncheon meetings are held on the first Monday at noon at the Port Townsend Elks Lodge, 555 Otto St., and the third Monday at noon at Fort Worden Commons, 200 Battery Way.

This Monday’s program will feature Rockridge Home design director Rebekah Fessenden on “How to Maximize Sales with Last-Minute Holiday Shoppers.”

The luncheon’s sponsor will be Chrystal Delights.

Lunch by Subway costs $8.

• Port Angeles Business Association — Breakfast meetings with networking and educational programs are held Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. at Joshua’s Restaurant, 113 DelGuzzi Drive (off U.S. Highway 101) in east Port Angeles.

This coming Tuesday’s meeting will feature a presentation by retired Judge S. Brooke Taylor on plans for the Port Angeles Waterfront Center, a $15 million to $20 million performing arts venue downtown at Front and Oak streets.

There is a $3 minimum charge by Joshua’s for those at the PABA meeting who do not order breakfast.


All of the above meetings are open to the public.

Peninsula Daily News

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EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

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EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

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Todd Ortloff Show guests this week

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EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

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