EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

• Forks Chamber of Commerce — Luncheon meetings are usually Wednesdays at noon at Blakeslee’s Bar & Grill, 1222 S. Forks Ave.

Wednesday’s speaker is Kevin Hoult on “Notify, Comply and Verify — Three things you must know about I-1433 in 2018.”

Lunch of $9.75 will include an entree and sides.

• Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce — Monthly luncheon meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 11:15 a.m. in the second-floor meeting room of the Red Lion Hotel, 221 N. Lincoln St.

Wednesday’s speaker is attorney James McCanna, who has an extensive career representing employers. He will cover the most critical new laws that became enforceable as of Jan. 1 that all employers need to know about in the areas of paid sick leave, hourly wages, taxes, etc.

Tickets for the luncheon are $18 if preregistered at www.portangeles.org; at the door, they are $20 for members and $25 for nonmembers and can be purchased from the meeting room cashier.

Port Angeles Business Association — Breakfast meetings with networking and educational programs are usually held Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m.

This week’s meeting will be a special joint meeting with the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce. For details, see entry above.

The chamber is extending member pricing for all PABA members and members-to-be who want to order lunch. There is no charge for those attending the joint meeting who do not order lunch.

Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce — Twice-monthly breakfast meetings are held at 11:45 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at Sunland Golf & Country Club, 109 Hilltop Drive, Sequim.

This Tuesday’s meeting will feature Kevin Hoult on “Notify, Comply and Verify — Three things you must know about I-1433 in 2018.”

The meeting’s sponsor is the Korean Women’s Association.

Reservations for luncheon at $17 or beverage at $5 are required by noon Monday. Phone 360-683-6197 or email office@sequimchamber.com to RSVP and for further information.

All of the above meetings are open to the public.

Peninsula Daily News

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EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

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EYE ON BUSINESS: This week’s meetings

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