PORT ANGELES — Olympic Bagel Co., a prominently located east Port Angeles bakery-restaurant, shut its doors last week after 16 years in business.
“Unfortunately, we have closed down, and if you’re interested or know someone who is interested in purchasing the business or a portion of the business, please leave us a message … ” was the information left on one of two phone lines for the 802 E. First St.-South Francis Street eatery.
Further information on the reasons behind the closure was unavailable Saturday.
The market value of the personal property of the business was valued at $15,623 in 2016, according to the Clallam County Assessor’s Office.
It was unknown Saturday how many were employed at Olympic Bagel.
It was a gathering place for tourists who would stop there in vehicles laden with kayaks and backpacks.
Small talking groups also would meet there regularly, and South Francis Street Clallam County Family YMCA members would stop by after working out two blocks away.
The spacious eatery, which advertised bagels made from scratch, opened in 2001.
Homemade pastries, breads and bagel chips also were offered, as were numerous kinds of tea.
A sign on the door Saturday said “Store closed for sale limited time – Inquiries 452-9111.”
According to the state Secretary of State’s Office, Bruce Schaefer and Prisicilla Schaefer of Port Angeles are “governing persons” of the business and Carl Lloyd Gay is the company agent.
Bruce Schaefer and Gay did not return calls for comment Saturday.
Marc Abshire, executive director of the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, said Saturday that Bruce Schaefer is the contact person for the business and that the company is a chamber member in good standing.
Senior Staff Writer Paul Gottlieb can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 55650, or at pgottlieb@ peninsuladailynews.com.