PORT ANGELES — Here is this week’s schedule for the 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Todd Ortloff Show on KONP 1450 AM, 101.7 FM in Port Angeles, 101.3 FM in Sequim and myclallamcounty.com on the internet outside the Port Angeles area.
This week’s scheduled lineup:
Monday – Clallam County Prosecuting Attorney Mark Nichols discussing human trafficking (January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about all forms of trafficking, including sex trafficking and labor trafficking) and drug possession.
Second segment – Port Angeles Parks and Recreation Director Cory Delikat with Steve Methner, giving an update on the Dream Playground fundraising and rebuild.
Tuesday – Clallam County Sheriff Brian King discusses scams.
Second segment – Olympic Peninsula Lodging Alliance Executive Director Brian Heberling discussing short-term rentals.
Wednesday – Author Stephen L. Moore discusses his book “STRIKE OF THE SAILFISH: Two Sister Submarines and the Sinking of a Japanese Aircraft Carrier.”
Second segment – Dave Brownell, executive director of the North Olympic History Center discusses the Lincoln School demolition and what’s new with the history center.
Thursday – Crescent School District Superintendent Dave Bingham with Crescent School Levy Chair Steve Singhose, discussing the upcoming Crescent School Levy.
Second segment – “Business Bits” with Small Business advisor Kevin Hoult.