PORT ANGELES — Here is this week’s schedule for the 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Todd Ortloff Show on KONP 1450 AM, 101.7 FM in Port Angeles, 101.3 FM in Sequim and myclallamcounty.com on the internet outside the Port Angeles area.
This week’s scheduled lineup:
Monday — Clallam 2 Fire-Rescue Fire Chief Jake Patterson.
Tuesday — Juan de Fuca Festival of Arts Executive Director Kyle LeMaire with Shook Twins and John Craigie, two acts performing at the festival.
Wednesday — Seattle Mariners baseball.
Thursday — Dr. Lara Starcevich, producer and Peninsula College professor, with PC student Ayah Alsallaq and director Richard Stephens, discussing the upcoming play “Madea.”