PORT ANGELES — Here is this week’s schedule for the 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Todd Ortloff Show on KONP 1450 AM, 101.7 FM in Port Angeles, 101.3 FM in Sequim and myclallamcounty.com on the internet outside the Port Angeles area.
This week’s scheduled lineup:
Monday – Shelly Zollman from Prevention Works! discusses an upcoming free webinar with the White Hatter program called “Online Porn, Radicalization, Shaming & Disinformation” for parents and teens.
Second segment – Judy Tordini and Anita Reynolds discuss “Wreaths across America,” a wreath-laying ceremony for veterans at local cemeteries.
Tuesday – Port Angeles School District students from the music department.
Second Segment – Peninsula College Vocal Jazz instructor Elaine Garner-Morales discusses the upcoming Jingle Jazz event.
Wednesday – Port Angeles Mayor Kate Dexter.
Thursday – James Rickards, author of “Sold Out: How Broken Supply Chains, Surging Inflation, and Political Instability Will Sink the Global Economy.”
Second Segment — Small Business Advisor Kevin Hoult.