Thieves hit dozens of mailboxes between Port Angeles, Sequim

PORT ANGELES — At least 40 rural mailboxes were invaded Tuesday night and possibly into early Wednesday morning, the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office said.

Deputies are investigating the rash of overnight mail thefts in rural neighborhoods east of Port Angeles and in the Sequim area, the agency said in a statement Wednesday afternoon.

They received at least eight reports of opened and damaged rural route boxes that in some cases had been locked and were pried open.

At least 40 mailboxes were accessed, the department said.

They were located in areas of Old Blyn Highway; Cascade View Drive; East Sequim Bay, Heron Hill, Palo Alto and Deer Park roads; and Raintree and Michaels lanes.

Mail remained inside some of the mailboxes, indicating the thieves were being selective in what mail they were looking for, the department said.

Cash, small gifts and gift cards are popular items for thieves during the holiday season, according to the statement.

There are no suspects or leads, according to the statement.

Report suspicious activity to the Sheriff’s Office by calling 360-417-2459.