Anne Frank described by two who knew her in Port Angeles High School play

Production live-streamed beginning Friday

PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles High School Drama Club and East Park Avenue Players will present “And Then They Came for Me: Remembering the World of Anne Frank,” beginning Friday.

The production, which runs 70 minutes, will be live-streamed Fridayand Saturday and May 21-22 at 7 p.m. and Sunday and May 23 at 2 p.m.

Tickets are $8 for general admission and can be purchased at

“And Then They Came for Me” was written by James Still and directed by Kelly Lovall, Port Angeles High School drama teacher.

It combines oral history with dramatic action, a multimedia play that combines the videotaped interviews of Ed Silverberg and Eva Schlosss, two Holocaust survivors who knew Anne Frank, with the dramatization of live actors as they re-create the events narrated and described.

Silverberg narrates his experience as a young child when he was sent away to live in hiding after his parents were attacked. His narration depicts many close calls he encountered as he moved from place to place, trying to escape capture.

He also describes his experience with Anne Frank.

Ed was her first boyfriend; she wrote about him in the first few pages of her diary. He describes his thoughts about her and recounts the brief interactions they shared.

Schloss, who was the same age as Anne Frank, describes their friendship while living in the same apartment building in Amsterdam.

Their stories were similar.

Eva’s family was forced into hiding on the same day as the Frank family, and their locations were both betrayed. Eva was arrested on her 15th birthday. Her whole family was sent to concentration camps. Eva and her mother survived, and after the war, her mother married Otto Frank (Anne’s father).

Actors include Alana Baker, Rachel Crenshaw, Skylar Jackson, Delfonzo Martinez-Vasquez, Rayna Mathison, Kaelyn Herring, Zoe Williams and Karter Galland.

Designers and technical crew include Gwen Aue, Lauryn Chapman, Joel Day, Ivy Honeycutt, MiKayla DeCou, Ryon Miller, Naomi Munoz, Amelia Rose, Kathryn Snook, Zephania Waldron, Layla White, Laurel Williams and Noah Yackeschi.

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