PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Library will celebrate a new ocean arts-themed Art in the Library exhibit tonight during the quarterly Art Blast!
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. at the library at 2210 S. Peabody St. Visitors can check out new art on display throughout the building and mingle with artists.
Refreshments will be served and limited services will be available during this free after-hours event.
Seattle’s The Bushwick Book Club will begin performing at 7 p.m., playing original music inspired by books in the heart of the library.
The opening reception for the new Art in the Library exhibit will be at 6:30 p.m., immediately preceding the performance by The Bushwick Book Club.
Dozens of local artists responded to an open call for ocean-themed art earlier this year.
The exhibit, which will be on display at the Port Angeles Library through Jan. 9, includes paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures and a variety of mixed-media pieces.
The Bushwick Book Club Seattle is a group of musicians dedicated to sharing their combined passion for both music and reading. With each performance, a book is chosen which is read by talented Bushwick artists who then write original music inspired by the book they just read.
At this performance, the band will feature songs inspired by the Clallam County Reads title, “The Soul of an Octopus,” in addition to other books. The audience is encouraged to read the featured book — the chosen selection for a common reading experience countywide — and participate in the songs.
By producing these unique musical literary events, Bushwick members hope to increase awareness in literature and song writing, while at the same time reminding people young and old that reading can and should be a regular part of their daily lives.
Additionally, the Bushwick Book Club Seattle offers youth programs working on critical thinking and songwriting skills. While they are in Port Angeles, Bushwick will offer their education program, known as STYLE (Songwriting Through Youth Literature Education), to sixth graders at Franklin Elementary School.
For more information about this and other upcoming library programs, visit www.nols.org and select “Events,” call the library at 360-417-8500, or email Discover@nols.org.