PORT ANGELES — Blake’s Birthday Bash is set for 8 p.m. Saturday at Studio Bob.
Doors will open at 7 p.m. at the studio at 118½ E. Front St., Port Angeles.
Tickets are $20. To purchase, go to https://blakesbirthday.bpt.me.
The event will celebrate “Queen Blake McCabe’s birthday with Blake and members of the Paradisco Family,” according to a press release.
A Port Angeles native, McCabe attended local schools until he graduated from high school in 2011, he said.
McCabe tells of undergoing bullying because of sexual orientation before performing a drag-esque number in front of the whole Port Angeles High School student/staff body at their end-of-the-year talent show.
“While they may have been faced with rants listed in the local PDN, that never stopped him from continuing to blossom into the fierce performer they are today,” McCabe said in a press release.