PORT ANGELES — IvaFiero Productions will turn up the heat at Studio Bob with “The Hills Have Thighs: A Trick or Tease Burlesque Show” on Saturday.
Studio Bob, at 118½ E. Front St. (upstairs), will host performances by at least six dancers in what is described as a “moonlight masquerade and a cauldron of steamy fantasy and fun” in this 18-and-older event.
Showtime is 8 p.m. Saturday and doors will open at 7 p.m.
Tickets will be $20 at the door. Advance tickets are $18 through brownpapertickets.com or at Harbor Art Gallery (cash only), 114 N. Laurel St.
The venue also encourages attendees to wear costumes and dress up for the performances. Anyone arriving in homemade Halloween attire will be welcome to enter a costume contest for burlesque-themed prizes.
Beer and wine will be available for purchase.
There will be performances by:
• Carmen Caliente of the Seattle burlesque troupe After Midnight Cabaret.
• Champagne Sparkles from Victoria and part of the award-winning burlesque troupe The Cheesecake Burlesque Revue.
• Iva Handfull, IvaFiero Productions co-producer.
• Seraphina Fiero, IvaFiero Productions co-producer.
• Trojan Original of the burlesque troupe Mod Carousel.
• Jezebel Vandersnatch, mistress of ceremonies for the evening.
Find more information, on the troupe at www.facebook.com/IvaFiero.