PORT TOWNSEND — Races in the Classic Mariners Regatta on Port Townsend Bay are set for today and Sunday.
This will be the 39th annual regatta, returned after a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19 health restrictions.
For the first time ever, the regatta is open to sailboats of all designs and materials, said the organizer, the Port Townsend Sailing Association.
Two races are scheduled today.
A longer race is set for Sunday.
That will be a pursuit type race, meaning that start will be by handicap with the slowest boats starting first, and the first boat across the line wins.
Races will be run according to the US. Sailing Rules of Racing, with separate starts for PHRF (Performance Handicap Rating Factor), one-design, cruising, and in-shore boats. Classes will be determined after registration.
If boats don’t have an official PHRF rating, a provisional rating will be assigned by the race committee.
Sailing Instructions will be available before the race.
Here is the schedule:
10 a.m. — Skippers meeting at A/B dock near the boat ramp in Boat Haven.
Noon — First start warning. Boats will race up to 2 triangle course races.
6 p.m. — Casual dinner at the Northwest Maritime Center. Cost is $10 cash per person at the door, or with your registration.
Noon — Race start warning. The race will be a random leg, reverse (pursuit) start based on vessel ratings.
4 p.m. — Post race awards gathering at the Northwest Maritime Center.