PORT ANGELES — A reception for the closing of “Clallam Mosaic Presents Art by Divergent Adults of the Northwest Peninsula” is set for 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday.
The free, all-ages, dog-friendly reception, and the exhibit, are at Studio Bob, 118½ E. Front St. in Port Angeles.
Attendees can view the art and meet some of the artists and their caregivers.
Christine Motokane, the author of “Working the Double Shift: A Young Woman’s Journey with Autism” and “The Revolving Door: The Untold Story of Disability Support,” will be in attendance.
Motokane was diagnosed with autism when she was 4 and, through early intervention and support from family, friends and professionals, was able to be fully included in elementary school, middle school, high school and college.
The Loom Bar will be open and there will be live music.
For more information, call the studio at 360-775-2160 or visit www.studiobob.art.