PORT ANGELES — The Juan de Fuca Foundation and the Ballet Workshop will present a full-length ballet, “Don Quixote,” on Saturday and Sunday.
The shows will be at 7 p.m. Saturday and at 3:30 p.m. Sunday at the Port Angeles High School Performing Arts Center, 304 E. Park Ave.
Tickets are from $15 to $35, with tickets for youth 14 being $10.
Tickets are available online at http://jffa.org/jffa.org or at Port Book and News in Port Angeles and Joyful Noise Music in Sequim.
The ballet by the Ballet Workshop is based on episodes from Miguel de Cervantes’ “Man of la Mancha.”
Port Angeles will welcome young break-out stars of the Houston Ballet, Sam Rodriguez and Makenzie Richter, as the principal guest artists.
The ballet also will feature a cast of more than 100 homegrown Clallam County ballet and theater artists, and choreography featuring matadors, castanets and Latin flare.