PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles High School Drama Club’s East Park Avenue Players will perform “Mixed Connections” with shows at 7 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday and a matinee performance at 2 p.m. Sunday.
The play will be onstage at the Port Angeles High School Performing Arts Center, 304 E. Park Ave.
Tickets are $10 per person, $8 for senior citizens and students; children younger than 6 will be admitted free.
The three-act play, written and directed by Kelly Lovall, is a compilation of vignettes set in the contemporary world.
The vignettes provide a snapshot of important moments in life that explore the common elements that bind us all together.
Cast members include Molly Beeman, Felix, Bubb, Grace Burkhardt, Dakota Cassinelli, Mikey Frank-Barton, Scarlet Fulton, Alex Hines, Allyson Jackson, Madison McIntyre, Liam Miller, Brin Newlon and Bailey Robinson.