PORT ANGELES — Clallam County Master Gardener Susan Kalmar will present information to demystify drip irrigation systems for the do-it-yourself gardener at noon Thursday.
The free presentation will be in the county commissioners meeting room (Room 160) at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E Fourth St.
Kalmar will explain how drip irrigation saves water usage and time and results in healthier plants.
She will use a hands-on mock-up of a system to demonstrate the installation process from planning, purchasing and connecting the equipment to setting the timer, including provisions for multiple zones and easy expansion.
She will describe how a home gardener, without specialty training in plumbing or soil science, can install a system and how to construct it on a limited budget.
A Master Gardener since 2017, Kalmar holds an associate degree in ornamental horticulture.
She has seven years of experience in greenhouse management, including designing drip irrigation for seasonal plants.
She has configured a drip irrigation system for her home container gardening in Port Angeles.