PORT ANGELES — The Electrodes will play, with Abigail Hobart calling, at the Black Diamond Contra Dance on Saturday.
A beginner and review workshop will start at 7:30 p.m. with dancing at 8 p.m. at the Black Diamond Community Hall, 1942 Black Diamond Road.
An $8 donation is requested for adult admission and $4 for those younger than 18.
This is the Electrodes’ first appearance in Port Angeles.
The band features Joe Micheals on guitar, Joe Bowbeer on five-string electric violin and Marcy Kubbs on piano.
They play a mix of Celtic, Appalachian and original dance tunes.
Hobart returns to Black Diamond as a veteran caller. She has been a dancer, fiddle player and organizer since childhood.
The next contra dance is slated for Oct. 6 with David Bartley, Kate Powers and Marnie Rachmiel performing.