PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Winter Ice Village will host a figure skating exhibition today that features skaters from the Bremerton Figure Skating Club.
Four amateur figure skaters of varying ages and skill levels will perform selections from their Holiday Time on Ice skating exhibition, which will be held later this month at the Bremerton Ice Center.
The rink on Front Street will close to the public at 5 p.m. today so that the ice can be resurfaced for the show.
The skaters will take to the ice shortly thereafter to warm up and get a feel for the dimensions of the rink.
The public is invited to watch the warm-ups.
The exhibition will begin at 6 p.m. and the show will last about 25 minutes. Admission is free.
The rink will then re-open for public skating until closing at 9 p.m.
Last November, skaters from the Bremerton Figure Skating Club were among many other participants in the inaugural grand opening of the Winter Ice Village in downtown Port Angeles.
“Every year we want to do more and more to make Port Angeles a winter destination, and this exhibition is a part of that,” said Leslie Robertson, events manager for the Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce.
“Last year when the figure skaters performed at the grand opening I looked around at the faces of the crowd, and everyone was completely entranced. At that moment I knew we just had to have a figure skating show this year.”