PORT ANGELES — Pat Ferris will speak at the Story People of Clallam County’s monthly Story Swap event at 7 tonight.
Ferris, a Port Angeles resident, will fill the spring evening with stories about ships, shipwrecks and fish at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., according to a press release.
Ferris grew up in Ohio listening to her father’s stories, and after becoming a librarian tried her voice at storytelling.
In retirement, she actively tells fairy tales and folk tales with a smattering of personal stories.
Recently, she won the Story Slam at Olympic Theater Arts in Sequim with a personal story about an encounter with a rapacious turkey vulture.
The program is geared toward adults and teens. Newcomers are always welcome to attend.
After a refreshment break, audience members can get up on stage and share a short story, typically a couple of minutes in length.
The story people host story swaps on the third Tuesday of the month, as well as other public events.
For more information, visit www.ClallamStory People.org, or contact board president Erran Sharpe at president@clallamstory people.org or 360-460-6594.