PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center is seeking a guest artist to create a live outdoor art installation during the Port Angeles Downtown Association’s Third Annual Arts &Draughts Beer &Wine Festival on Sept. 22-24.
The Fine Arts Center is seeking an artist to create a major work of art that the public can watch being made over the course of the three days of the festival with completion by close of the festival at 4 p.m. Sept. 24.
Applications are due to to the fine arts center by July 31. A jury will select the festival guest artist by Aug. 4.
The scope of art is wide open. It can include sculpture in all mediums, chalk art, murals, recycled-repurposed materials, graffiti or other.
Artists will receive $500 for supplies and commission. The art piece will become the property of the Port Angeles Downtown Association.
Interested artists are directed to http://www.pafac.org/ for applications.
For more information about the Arts &Draughts Beer &Wine Festival, see www.portangelesbeerfest.com.