Hot Thunder Nite Cruise-in set Saturday in Forks

The car show from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday is free to attend.

FORKS — Organizers of the second annual Hot Thunder Nite Cruise-In expect many more participants this year — if the weather holds out.

The car show will be from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday at the Rainforest Arts Center Plaza, 35 N. Forks Ave. It is free to attend, although there is a fee for those who wish to register a vehicle or motorcycle in the judging competition.

The day of the inaugural cruise-in last year began with rain, lightning and hail, said Melene Bourm, an event coordinator.

And, she added, “the power went out.”

Despite the inclement weather, Bourm said, everything turned out well.

“By the time it came for the event, the sun came out and people came out and brought their cars and the evening turned out to be really fun,” she said.

“Even though the weather was horrible, we had 28 cars” participate.

During this year’s event, Forks is forecast to be overcast with a high of 67 degrees and a 20 percent chance of showers.

“It can’t be any worse than last year,” Bourm joked.

“We are expecting 50 to 75,” cars this year, she continued.

“That is probably because the weather forecast is so much better.”

The cruise-in will be preceded at 3 p.m. by a cruise around Forks. Participating vehicles are asked to line up at Forks Outfitters, 950 S. Forks Ave. There is no fee to participate in the cruise.

Those who wish to register for the competition can do so beginning at 3 p.m. at a booth set up at the Rainforest Arts Center.

Any and all vehicles — regardless of make, m0del or date of manufacture — can be entered, with designated areas for cars, trucks, big rigs and motorcycles.

The registration fee for cars, trucks and big rigs is $10, with a $5 fee for motorcycles.

Registration forms are available in advance at

During the car show, visitors also can enjoy live music, vendors, food and a beer garden, Bourm said.

Musician Marty Konopacki will take the stage from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. with Maybe Next Tuesday performing from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. DJ Camallo will take over from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Tire burnouts will begin at 8 p.m.

For more information, call Bourm at 360-640-0167 or email westendthunder


Features Editor Chris McDaniel can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 56650, or at

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