PORT TOWNSEND — Concerti from the Court of Frederick the Great is set for 2 p.m. Sunday at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Port Townsend.
The concert at 1020 Jefferson St., will feature as a special guest keyboard artist David Schrader, as well as Jeffrey Cohan, artistic director of the Salish Sea Early Music Festival, on baroque flute and a chamber orchestra.
The program will be of orchestral works by King Frederick the Great and other composers associated with the Prussian king’s renowned musical establishment, Cohan said.
Also performing will be David Schrader on harpsichord, Elizabeth Phelps and Courtney Kuroda on baroque violin, Lindsey Strand-Polyak on baroque viola and Annabeth Shirley on baroque cello.
Masks and proof of vaccinations are required.
A donation of $15, $20 or $25 is suggested as a free will offering. Those 18 and younger will be admitted free.
Music will include a flute concerti by the flutist king himself and his flute teacher Johann Joachim Quantz, a harpsichord and flute concerti by his court keyboardist Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach and a solo harpsichord Ricercare by his father Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach had visited the king in 1747 and subsequently presented this music as part of his Musical Offering, Cohan said.
Cohan also announced that he and Oleg TImofeyev raised $2,017 in a spur-of-the-moment effort to assist in providing medicine and food where needed within Ukraine.
“We donated our CD sales and many of our concert-goers provided special donations for the duo’s variation on the Ukrainian National Anthem on early 18th-century instruments from all of our performances. The version done on Tuesday on Lopez Island can be heard at https://youtu.be/BHG8KjVatr0.
For more information about Sunday’s concert, see www.salishseafestival.org/porttownsend.