Lecture to examine how present can influence interpretation of past

Corey Larson, history faculty with NPP.

Corey Larson, history faculty with NPP.

PORT ANGELES — A professor in the Native Pathways Program through the Evergreen State College will present a lecture and slideshow on Thursday during a Peninsula College Studium Generale presentation offered in recognition of Earth Day, which is Friday.

Corey Larson’s free presentation will be at 12:30 p.m.

The Zoom meeting will be at https://pencol-edu.zoom.us/j/88082575506. The meeting ID is 880 8257 5506.

In a lecture and slideshow titled “Outbreak at Sequalitchew: Colonial Implications and Sovereign Expressions during the 1836-1837 Epidemics,” Larson will discuss how present circumstances often influence the way that the past is interpreted.

Larson says that the creation of Hudson Bay Company’s Fort Nisqually and the shift toward a land-based fur trade strategy in the 1820s and 1830s “significantly altered Salish Sea social dynamics, initiated considerable environmental transformation, and eventually shaped American settlement in the region.”

Larson’s doctoral dissertation is titled Negotiating Fort Nisqually: Reconfiguring the Social and Environmental Landscapes of the South Salish Sea, 1833-1858.

He has taught many courses for the Native Pathways Program including Cascadia: The Environment and History of the Pacific Northwest; From Time Immemorial: Grounding in Places of Power; Native North America: Global Influence and Belonging; Sea Landscapes and Waterscapes; Culture, Community, and Cosmos; Indigenous Feminisms and Gender Narratives; and Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Knowledge — Ethics and Research.

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