PORT ANGELES — Panto is back with a new show penned by Shannon Cosgrove, choreographed by Naomi Alstrup and directed by both.
The two, who were responsible for the sold-out shows of last year’s panto entertainment, “Snow White and the Five Housemates” at the Lincoln Theater, this year will present “Hansel, Gretel & Barbra.
Show dates are this Friday through Sunday, as well as Dec. 13-15 and Dec. 20-22, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for children up to the age of 18. They are available now at www.chambersignups.com.
The venue is new.
Edna’s Place, which formerly housed Fanaticus Sports Grill at 1026 E. First St., will be the stage for the comedy that promises to be just as much of a laugh-out-loud performance as last year’s production.
Hansel, Gretel & Barbra will take the audience into the Bavarian forest, a place rife with reformed werewolves, tone deaf sirens and a Hansel and Gretel no one has ever met before.
This original show features original tunes set to familiar pop songs.
Panto, or Pantomime, is a British tradition, presented with a Northwest twist.
“Come and join us for a raucous good time, where audience participation is fun for the whole family,” Cosgrove said.
Or, Cosgrove added, come see a show described by one audience member as “the love child of Monty Python and Vaudeville.”
Several of the cast members applauded last year are back, with a few new faces to round out the cast, which has been preparing for months to engage audiences in group songs, booing, cheering “and mostly behaving,” Cosgrove said.
Snacks will be provided by Good2Go, and beverages for all ages will be available from Bella Italia.
Hansel, Gretel & Barbra is a joint production of Nemesis Theater Productions and The Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce
For more information, see papanto.net.