
Some of the senior student musicians who will perform and assist with Trivia Night include, from left, Alden Riski, Kennedy Cameron, Jared Van Blair, Grace Sanwald, Lexie Peabody and Justin Parker. Riski, Cameron and Van Blair perform with the jazz ensemble, while Sanwald, Peabody and Parker perform with the wind ensemble and serve as band officers.

Trivia Night Extravaganza to raise funds for band scholarships

Trivia buffs and music fans take note: The fourth annual Trivia Night Extravaganza takes flight this Saturday at the Masonic Lodge in… Continue reading

Some of the senior student musicians who will perform and assist with Trivia Night include, from left, Alden Riski, Kennedy Cameron, Jared Van Blair, Grace Sanwald, Lexie Peabody and Justin Parker. Riski, Cameron and Van Blair perform with the jazz ensemble, while Sanwald, Peabody and Parker perform with the wind ensemble and serve as band officers.

Habitat to honor community partners at Taste of Peninsula

Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County will celebrate its community partners at its third annual A Taste of the Peninsula on Saturday. Doors… Continue reading

‘P-Town’ pilot premieres Sunday in bombastic Port Townsend showing

‘P-Town’ pilot premieres Sunday in bombastic Port Townsend showing

The pilot episode of “P-Town,” a physical-comedy, action-adventures series set in a fictionalized version of Port Townsend, makes its world premiere this… Continue reading

‘P-Town’ pilot premieres Sunday in bombastic Port Townsend showing
Gary Rainwater of Port Townsend is among the artists in the Heatherton Gallery Whale of an Art Show.

‘Whale of an Art Show,’ anniversary Art Rock sound off tonight

The Whale of an Art Show at the Heatherton Gallery now has 21 pieces, said Sky Heatherton, proprietor. The show has work… Continue reading

Gary Rainwater of Port Townsend is among the artists in the Heatherton Gallery Whale of an Art Show.
Erika Lundahl and Doug Indrick will perform Saturday in Coyle.

Animals of Grace mix up original tunes in Coyle

Animals of Grace will perform its original songs at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in the next Concerts in the Woods at the Laurel B.… Continue reading

Erika Lundahl and Doug Indrick will perform Saturday in Coyle.

Free park days, Junior Ranger Day this weekend

Day-use entrance fees will be waived Saturday at state parks and Saturday and Sunday at Olympic National Park, which also will celebrate Junior Ranger Day.… Continue reading

Plastic, radiation, wildflowers topics to be explored on Peninsula

A film about plastic in the oceans, a presentation about monitoring radiation and a search for wildflowers are among upcoming activities on the North Olympic… Continue reading

Port Angeles Fine Arts Center plans visit of Seattle Arts Museum

The Port Angeles Fine Arts Center will host a trip to the Seattle Arts Museum on April 28. The center has arranged… Continue reading

College Vocal Jazz Ensemble sets spring shows

Peninsula College’s Vocal Jazz Ensemble has several spring shows scheduled at venues around the North Olympic Peninsula, beginning in Port Townsend today. Each show will… Continue reading

Port Ludlow Artists’ League features two artists

Port Ludlow Artists’ League features two artists

The Port Ludlow Artists’ League will host a reception for its artist of the month and jeweler of the month Wednesday. New… Continue reading

Port Ludlow Artists’ League features two artists

Hadlock library plans preview of Seattle Opera’s ‘Magic Flute’

The Jefferson County Library will host a preview by the Seattle Opera performing “The Magic Flute” on Wednesday. The free preview will… Continue reading

Tickets on sale now for Kiwanis dinner, auction

Tickets are available now for the Kiwanis Spring Dinner &Auction at 7 Cedars Casino on May 6. The event, which will begin at… Continue reading

Tim Roos

Photographer showcases finding the light in Port Angeles display

Imagine It Framed is showcasing the photography of Tim Roos through May 9. Roos’ work can be seen at the shop at… Continue reading

Tim Roos
Tickets on sale for Port Angeles Symphony’s Bed & Breakfast Tour

Tickets on sale for Port Angeles Symphony’s Bed & Breakfast Tour

Bald eagles, wild trillium and views of the Strait of Juan de Fuca await participants in the Port Angeles Symphony’s Bed &Breakfast… Continue reading

Tickets on sale for Port Angeles Symphony’s Bed & Breakfast Tour
Aciene Garcia’s bear painting will be among those in the “Windows of Creativity” exhibit.

Variety of art on view this weekend in Port Angeles

Clallam Mosaic will present 58 pieces of art by 20 area artists this weekend in an exhibit to showcase the abilities of… Continue reading

Aciene Garcia’s bear painting will be among those in the “Windows of Creativity” exhibit.
Artist to tell of shapers of Port Townsend art community tonight

Artist to tell of shapers of Port Townsend art community tonight

Stephen Yates will present an art talk at the Jefferson County Historical Society First Friday Lecture tonight. The program will be at… Continue reading

Artist to tell of shapers of Port Townsend art community tonight

Bird-watchers to flock to festival in Sequim

Birder-watchers are flocking to the 14th annual Olympic Peninsula BirdFest this weekend. BirdFest is a collection of field trips and presentations, the annual… Continue reading

Fisher reintroduction topic of Evening Talk

A retired wildlife biologist will discuss the reintroduction of fishers into the Olympic Mountains during an Evening Talk at the Olympic Natural Resources… Continue reading

Fundraiser to benefit raptor center

Fundraiser to benefit raptor center

A fundraiser for the Northwest Raptor &Wildlife Center, “Birds of a Feather,” will feature local art, music and raptors from the center… Continue reading

Fundraiser to benefit raptor center

Garden walk, beach cleanup training, animal shelter benefit among weekend’s activities

A garden walk, beach cleanup training and an animal shelter benefit are among upcoming activities on the North Olympic Peninsula. Information also is available on… Continue reading