PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles High School’s production of “The Neverending Story” opens Friday when it will be streamed live from the high school auditorium directly into homes of ticket holders.
The production will live-stream at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday with a matinee at 2 p.m. Sunday. The performances will run for a second weekend, with performances at 7 p.m. Nov. 20 and Nov. 21, followed by the closing matinee at 2 p.m. Sunday.
These performances will be streamed live from PAHS auditorium; tickets are $7.50 and can be purchased at portangeles.booktix.com.
Students have rehearsed for over a month.
This production is the first PAHS Career & Technical Education lab approved for in-person learning. CTE Instructor Patric McInnis submitted a proposed plan for the play, which included safety precautions against COVID-19 and followed the state Department of Health’s guidance, according to the school district in a press release.
The plan was reviewed and approved by CTE Director Lisa Joslin, PAHS Principal Jeff Clark, and Superintendent Marty Brewer.
The goal of labs like McInnis’ is to bring students back on campus and participate in activities to contribute to their learning and social-emotional well-being, the release said.
“Safety has been our top concern,” McInnis said.
”In fact, this play was selected because most scenes involve less than five characters on stage at a time,” she added.
Students do not share props and practices have been staggered to ensure health and safety protocols are being practiced.
In addition to the performers, the lab incorporated students from the CTE Department’s Theatre Technology and Video Production classes.
“Several alumni have also returned to volunteer during this lab, helping to provide the support and safe environment for our students,” McInnis said. “The result is our most spectacular student production ever put on at Port Angeles High School.”