PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles High School Thespian Society will perform “The Diviners,” directed by Kelly Lovall, in the Port Angeles Performing Arts Center on Wednesday through Saturday.
The play will be performed at 7 p.m. each night at the high school at 304 E. Park Ave.
Ticket prices are $8 for general admission and $7 for students. Children younger than 10 will be admitted free. Tickets will be available at the door.
“The Diviners,” by Jim Leonard Jr., describes a tragedy in the town of Zion, Ind., during the Great Depression. It tells the story of a disturbed young man and his friendship with a disenchanted preacher and the eventual misunderstanding that leads to the boy’s death.
Freshmen through seniors perform in the play.
The cast is made up of Bradley Alemao, Hope Winsor, Emmitt Szczepczynski, Alex Smith, Tiara Delatorre, Cassidy Tamburro, Hannah Black, Zack Parrill, Madison Millet, Daimon Batchelor, Zack Mills, Mauritz Ahlburg, Anli G, Carrie Childers, Jasmine Cottam, Joclynne Jewell, Shayla Smith, Madelynne Jones, Charles Krause, Sammy Weinert and Stephen Kaufmann.