PORT ANGELES — Peninsula College will host a concert featuring its guitar ensemble and the newly formed concert band at 7 p.m. Tuesday.
The free concert will be in the Maier Performance Hall on the college’s Port Angeles campus, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd.
“I’m thrilled to present the first concert of our new concert band,” conductor Marge Rosen said. “Our program will showcase a wide variety of music, including works by Beethoven, Sibelius, Whitacre and Standridge, as well as a festive holiday medley.”
The guitar ensemble, directed by Jase Brown, is composed of students from both the college music program and the community education program.
The ensemble will perform pieces by Leonard Cohen, 17th century Spanish composers and a Christmas classic.
For more information, email Rosen at mrosen@pencol.edu or visit www.pencol.edu/events.