PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Community Players will conduct auditions for its production of “Clue.”
The auditions will be at 6:30 p.m. Monday and Feb. 26 as well as at 3 p.m. March 1.
Auditions will be at the Port Angeles Community Playhouse, 1235 E. Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles.
The production is based on the Hasbro board game and the 1985 film adaptation.
Ted Brown, the director, will cast anywhere from five male and five female actors up to 10 of each.
Candidates should come prepared to tell a short story or joke and expect to try a couple cold readings from the script.
Scripts are available, for perusal only, at the Port Angeles Main Library and the temporary location of the Sequim Branch Library.
Rehearsals are expected to occur four nights each week with the possibility of additional rehearsals as opening night looms closer.
For more information, email Brown at browns5412@hotmail.com or visit www.pacommunity players.org/current-season.