PORT ANGELES — Port Angeles School District students will perform together in the 43rd annual All-City String Review on Thursday.
The concerts featuring student musicians from fourth through 12th grade at Port Angeles High School’s main gym, 304 E. Park Ave., are free and open to the public.
This year’s program will divide the young musicians between two concerts, with all schools represented at both performances.
The first concert will begin at 6:15 p.m. and the second concert at 7:30 p.m.
Seniors will perform and be honored in both concerts.
“This will be the fifth year that the enrollment of students in the program will necessitate two twin performances,” said James Ray, Port Angeles High School orchestra director.
“Last year, we modified the ‘double feature’ format to ensure that both concerts featured students from all five elementary schools — rather than relegating students from particular schools to just one or the other concert. This ensures that both iterations truly represent a city-wide celebration, with an anticipated 660 students performing over the course of the evening,” he said.
Ray will be joined by district strings instructors as conductors:
Teresa Bjornes: Franklin Elementary (grade 4), Jefferson Elementary (grade 6) and Roosevelt Elementary (grades 4-6).
Amber Mattfield: Dry Creek Elementary (grades 4-6), Hamilton Elementary (grades 4-6) and Jefferson Elementary (Grades 4-5).
Traci Tyson: Franklin Elementary (grades 5-6) and Stevens Middle School (grades 7-8).