PORT LUDLOW — The Port Ludlow Art League will hold its Second Wednesday Reception from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday in the lobby of Sound Community Bank and next door at the gallery from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The bank and gallery are at the corner of Oak Bay Road and Osprey Ridge Drive.
The league’s artist of the month is Fran Bodman.
According to a league news release, Bodman’s parents gave her a paint-by-numbers kit and soon her artwork appeared throughout the house. In high school, she majored in art and later attended the American Academy of Art, a commercial art school in downtown Chicago.
Her first commercial artist position was with R.H. Donnelly, the country’s third largest print and online Yellow Pages publisher.
She subsequently pursued a career in sales and real estate.
When she retired, Fran renewed her passion for art and began taking classes in various media, including stained glass, acrylics and watercolor.
Jewelry of the month Linda Henderson enjoys searching for unique beads, crystals and gemstones at various gem shows and galleries and incorporating them into her designs.
Her current designs will be on display at the Port Ludlow Art Gallery in August.
The Port Ludlow Bay Club, 120 Spinnaker Place, will display a series of realistic acrylic paintings, graphic business art and multimedia art pieces by artist Li Ding-Salopek in August. Photographs of Ding-Salopek’s jewelry designs also will be shown.
Ding-Salopek attended the Center Academy of Craft & Design in Beijing and went on to teach art and design at China’s Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
After immigrating to the United States in 2008, Ding-Salopek settled in Port Ludlow and soon immersed herself in the local art community.
For more information, contact the league president, Claudia Wicks, at 206-351-2414 or email her at claudiawicks@msn.com.