PORT LUDLOW — The public is invited to a rescheduled Port Ludlow Artists’ League Second Wednesday Reception this Wednesday.
Due to snow, last month’s reception was canceled.
The public is invited to meet the featured artists and peruse their artwork in the lobby of Sound Community Bank from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. and next door at the gallery from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The bank and gallery are located at the corner of Oak Bay Road and Osprey Ridge Drive.
There will be light nibbles, art and conversation.
The show “Mightier than the Sword: A Study in Pen, Pencil &Graphite,” featuring artists Fran Bodman, Jeanne Joseph and Marti Mathis, has been on display since February. The exhibition now will extend through March.
According to a news release, the topics in this show range from animals and birds to a series of portraits of children and the time-worn faces of the elderly. The strokes of ordinary pens and pencils bring these drawings to life-evoking wonder, joy and tenderness, organizers said.
Also being celebrated this month is jewelry artist James Ferrara with his organic and nature-formed jewelry.
Ferrara comes to the art world from the background of a master woodworker who turned furniture into an art form with his organic, one-of-a-kind commissioned pieces, according to the news release.
He has recently turned his knowledge of fine craftsmanship to making jewelry and has elevated river rock and driftwood to a new height with his wire-wrapped, nature-formed pieces.
For more information, contact Claudia Wicks at 206-351-2414 or claudia wicks@msn.com.