PORT ANGELES — Ludmilla Studios will present the second epic episode of “The Lost (and unfortunately found) Erotic Memoirs of Flora Ludmilla.”
Airing at 6 p.m. Saturday, the one-person show written and directed by Peninsula College drama professor Lara Starcevich features the comedic flair of Sarah Tucker.
The show will be presented as a pay-per-view serial event on ludmillastudios.anywhereseat.com.
Tickets are $7. Once a ticket is paid for, the link will be available all day.
Those who tune in at 6 p.m. that evening can watch and chat along with the production team of Starcevich, Tucker and Marina Shipova (design/video editing).
The team plan to continue producing episodes throughout the fall and winter from the book, which is available on Amazon.
For more information, email Starcevich at larastarsearch@gmail.com.