PORT ANGELES — Anne Brendler will be the featured teller in an evening of traditional stories from around the world at a free Story Swap at 7 p.m. Tuesday.
The storytelling will be in the Carver Room of the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St.
Brendler’s program will include three stories about women and marriage from varying perspectives and featuring strong female protagonists. She will present two other stories reflecting her outlook on life.
While Brendler’s program at the library is designed for adults, she found storytelling as a tool for communicating what she wanted to teach her elementary school students.
Brendler, now retired, said, “careful and imaginative listening is key. A good story is the creation of both the teller and the listener together.”
After a short refreshment break, an open mic session will be available for anyone to step up and share a short tale.
Story People Of Clallam County is dedicated to bringing all forms of live storytelling to the North Olympic Peninsula. Information about public events and group membership is on the web at www.ClallamStoryPeople.org.
The Story People of Clallam County hosts story swaps on the third Tuesday of the month, along with other public events: Story Slams at Olympic Theatre Arts in Sequim and at Studio Bob in Port Angeles, a Liars’ Contest in June and a Celtic Concert every March.
The premier event is the annual Forest Storytelling Festival in October at the Peninsula College Little Theater.
To find out more, visit the website or contact board President Erran Sharpe at 360-460-6594.