Strange Brew afoot in Port Townsend

STEVE MULLENSKY/FOR PENINSULA DAILY NEWS Denver Smyth and wife Marianne, both with Western Red Brewery in Poulsbo, purge the Rubys Are Forever ale of air before the start of the 17th Strange Brew Fest in Port Townsend on Friday and Saturday at the American Legion Hall in downtown. There are 26 breweries from around western Washington that will be serving their own unique versions of strange brews.

Denver Smyth and wife Marianne, both with Western Red Brewery in Poulsbo, purge the Rubys Are Forever ale of air before the start of the 17th Strange Brew Fest in Port Townsend on Friday and Saturday at the American Legion Hall in downtown. There are 26 breweries from around western Washington that will be serving their own unique versions of strange brews.

Denver Smyth and wife Marianne, both with Western Red Brewery in Poulsbo, purge the Rubys Are Forever ale of air before the start of the 17th Strange Brew Fest in Port Townsend on Friday and Saturday at the American Legion Hall in downtown. (STEVE MULLENSKY/FOR PENINSULA DAILY NEWS)

Denver Smyth and wife Marianne, both with Western Red Brewery in Poulsbo, purge the Rubys Are Forever ale of air before the start of the 17th Strange Brew Fest in Port Townsend on Friday and Saturday at the American Legion Hall in downtown. (STEVE MULLENSKY/FOR PENINSULA DAILY NEWS)

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