PORT ANGELES — Studio Bob will celebrate one year of management by Chris Allen and Steve Thomas with an anniversary party from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday.
The all-ages, dog-friendly party will be at the studio, 118½ E. Front St., Port Angeles.
The evening will include games, drink specials and secret prize giveaways, along with live music by Tin Sandwich, Guy Cole, Barry Burnett, Casey Fall, Hannah Hockett and Owl Medicine.
Guests will be encouraged to decorate ornaments with which to adorn the seasonal holiday tree.
Over the past 12 months, Allen and Thomas have developed regularly scheduled events like the Every Friday Art Social, Third Thursday Open Mic and The Gen X Dance Party as well as expanding the range of drinks and snacks available at The Loom bar.
“I can’t wait for everyone to see what we’ve done with the place,” Allen said.
For more information, call 360-775-2160 or visit www.studiobob.art.