PORT ANGELES — Season passes are on sale for the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra’s 2024-2025 season.
The symphony will celebrate Jonathan Pasternack’s 10th year as music director and conductor.
Tickets range from $190 for a nine-concert pass in Section A to $25 for just the Sept. 28 Family Pops concert.
To purchase passes, call the symphony office at 360-457-5579, email pa symphony@olypen.com or visit www.portangelessymphony.org.
Packages include a nine-concert pass for all five symphony concerts, three chamber concerts and the Family Pops concert; a five-concert pass for just the Symphony concerts; a three-concert pass for the chamber concerts; a six-concert pass for the dress rehearsals; and a pass for just the Family Pops performance.
Season pass holders from last year have until Aug. 1 to reserve the same seats as last year, individual concert tickets will be available for purchase beginning Sept. 1.
Symphony concerts are at 7 p.m. Saturdays in the Performing Arts Center at Port Angeles High School, 304 E Park Ave.
Each performance includes a pre-concert chat at 6:30 p.m.
Symphony performances are scheduled for Nov. 2, Dec. 14, Feb. 15, March 22 and May 3.
Chamber concerts are at 7 p.m. Fridays at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E. Lopez Ave. in Port Angeles and at 7 p.m. Saturdays at Trinity United Methodist Church, 100 N. Blake Ave. in Sequim.
Chamber performances are scheduled for Oct. 11 and 12; Jan. 17 and 18; and May 16 and 17.