PORT ANGELES — Artists will be chosen on Saturday to paint art to hang in the alley behind Studio Bob in Port Angeles.
The eighth annual Brush Off will begin at 5 p.m. Interested artists can stop by Studio Bob at 118½ E. Front St. between then and 7 p.m. Six artists will be chosen to work on six primed 33-inch by 48-inch marine plywood panels.
At 7 p.m., the curtains will open to reveal a stage covered in plastic and a rolling cart of paints and brushes.
While the audience gets comfortable with refreshments for those who want to purchase them, each artist has five minutes to set up, including music choice, and 15 minutes to paint the panel while the live audience looks on and encourages.
Studio Bob supplies all the brushes and acrylic paint.
The winner will be chosen by popular vote and will win prize money.
All six artists will have their paintings displayed in the outdoor alley gallery.
Admission to this event is free although tips are encouraged for participating artists. All ages are welcome as well as nice dogs.
For more information, visit www.studiobob.art, call 415-990-0457, check instagram studio.bob and https://www.facebook.com/Studiobobupstairs.