PORT ANGELES — Tickets are on sale for a performance of the opera, “La bohème,” at Field Arts and Events Hall.
There will be only one performance, a matinee set for 2 p.m. June 23.
Tickets are $25 to $65 and can be purchased online at www.portangeles symphony.org, by calling 360-457-5579 or at Port Book and News, 104 E. First St.
The opera, written by Giacomo Puccini, will feature Kristin Vogel as Mimì; Errin Duane Brooks as Rodolfo; Igor Vieira as Marcello; Jennifer Krikawa as Musetta; Mark Davies as Schaunard; Alex Adams as Colline; and Craig Grayson as Benoît/Alcindoro.
Members of the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Jonathan Pasternack, will perform the musical score.
The show, which is sung in Italian with English supertitles, has a running time of about two hours plus a 30-minute intermission.