PORT ANGELES — Roadhouse Nursery owner Jan Bahr will present information about water features, water gardens and fishponds at noon Thursday.
The hour-long lecture, “Think Before You Dig — Deciding What Kind of Water Feature You Want to Add to Your Garden,” will be in the county commissioners meeting room (Room 160) of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St.
This presentation is part of the “Green Thumb Garden Tips” education series, sponsored by the WSU Clallam County Master Gardeners on the second and fourth Thursday of every month in Port Angeles.
The presentations are free and open to the public, but donations to help offset copying costs for handouts are accepted.
Bahr will discuss the similarities and differences of water features and provide tips on both construction and long-term maintenance.
This presentation will provide information to make intelligent decisions about adding water as a design element in a home garden. It also will give current water feature owners tips on how to make the pond-owning experience a pleasure rather than a chore.
Bahr is a certified professional horticulturist.
Since 1985, she has owned and operated Roadhouse Nursery in Poulsbo, where she has sold water garden plants and supplies since 1987.
The lecture series provides home gardeners with education on gardening topics relevant to planting and maintaining sustainable gardens and landscapes in Clallam County.
Organizers invite attendees to bring a lunch.
For more information, call 360-417-2279.